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Urgent Eye Care in Connecticut

At Vision Associates of Prospect, we understand the urgency of eye emergencies. Our dedicated team provides swift, expert care for various eye emergencies, from sudden vision changes to eye infections and injuries. We emphasize the importance of immediate action and proper precautions while awaiting professional help. Trust us to offer the critical support and specialized treatment your eyes need in emergencies. Don't hesitate to seek our professional care for prompt relief and protection of your vision.

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Home » Eye Care Services » Eye Emergencies

What Constitutes an Eye Emergency?

An eye emergency encompasses any situation where immediate medical attention is required to prevent vision loss, alleviate severe pain, or address acute changes in the eye. At Vision Associates of Prospect, we prioritize rapid response to emergencies to safeguard your vision and eye health.

man rubbing eyes

Critical Signs You Need Immediate Eye Care

  • Sudden loss of vision
  • Sudden double vision
  • Sudden red/painful eye
  • Pink eye
  • New onset flashes or floaters
  • Foreign body in the eye (especially metal or chemicals)
  • New or worsening swelling or pain after eye surgery

Things NOT to do While Waiting for Professional Medical Assistance

  • DO NOT press on an injured eye or allow the victim to rub the eye(s)
  • DO NOT attempt to remove a foreign body resting on the cornea (the clear surface of the eye through which we see) or that appears embedded in any part of the eye
  • DO NOT use dry cotton (including cotton swabs) or sharp instruments (such as tweezers) on the eye
  • DO NOT attempt to remove an embedded object
woman on laptop saying no by finger sign

Eye Emergencies We Treat

woman showing stye bacterial infection

Eye Infections

Eye infections demand immediate attention. If you suspect an eye infection, seek professional help promptly. Our practice is dedicated to diagnosing and treating eye infections, ensuring your eyes receive the necessary care.

Foreign Body Removal

The presence of a foreign object in the eye can be distressing. Attempting to remove it yourself can exacerbate the situation. Trust us for safe and effective foreign body removal, ensuring the well-being of your eyes.

optometrist patching a mans scratched eye
woman with sore eye calling optometrist

Corneal Abrasions

A scratched cornea is a serious matter that requires professional care. We can assess and treat corneal abrasions. Don't delay. Visit us immediately for the care your eyes deserve.